Revier: Hinterleiten B1/12a
Our river stretch on the Ois is close to the city of Lunz am See in the beautiful Lower Austrian limestone alps. It has a length of 4.2 km and is also located in the Natura 2000 Ecological network called “Oetscher-Duerrenstein”.
The territory name 'Hinterleiten' is a local name for the valley system between the villages Klein-Seeau and Oisreitl.
The river Ybbs is a tributary of the Danube. It is 138 km long and its upper catchment is around 1200 meters above sea level. Please follow the link to more information regarding the water regime, geology, and hydroelectricity along the Ybbs. (www.ybbs-aesche.at). A closer description of the river stretch is here available.
The natural character of the river is ideal for fish habitat and the fly fishing experience. The water is crystal clear allowing for unhindered sight casting. Furthermore it has varying depth and width which offers optimal habitat functions for fish.
Fish of the Ybbs
The fish Bioceonosis of this region correlates with the Metarhithrel which is the lower trout region. In this Metarhithrel region there is a mix of fish species including:
Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
Bullhead (Cottus gobio)
European chub (Leuciscus cephalus)
Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Eurasian Minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus)
One can also find fish species specific to the Lunz Lake which find their way into the river stretch via the lake discharge waterway Lunzer Seebach. In general, the most important species from a fishing perspective appear in the following proportions: Brown Trout 50-60%, Rainbow Trout 30-40%, and Grayling 5-10%. All three species are self reproducing sustaining populations. There is ample food in the river so that the fish show vigorous growth.
Natural Character of the Ybbs
In this area the Ois corresponds to a stretched river type, the stream order as described by Strahler is 4. The hydrological regime is Nivo-pluvial which has an average discharge of 4.5 cubic meters per second. Due to the commuting regime there are deep pools, runs, riffles, and flat sand banks which are constantly alternating. There is also varying gravel size in the river and the gravel banks are abundant. The width of the river varies between 8 and 20 meters depending on the water level.
Ois river map [ÖK 1:50.000, BEV | jpeg-Grafik]