Mission Statement
We pledge ourselves to sustainable and ethical interaction with fish populations.
Stocking regimes in river stretches under our management are abandoned in order to augment the fishing experience as the fishermen are exposed solely to a natural fish population. If stocking becomes necessary in the waterways, alternative methods will be used in order to preserve the natural character of the fish population.
Catch limits are ascribed to the dynamics of the closely monitored fish population.
Annual population censuses result in the formulation of an ever evolving management plan.
For us, Fly Fishing is a spiritual interaction between humans and nature; an ultimate joy and an experience to be cherished.
Our goal is not the removal of fish but experiencing the beauty of healthy river ecosystems.
We see our work as an active contribution to the protection of river ecosystems, aquatic organisms, and genetic resources.
We commit ourselves to the relentless improvement of river ecosystems.
We are obliged to the protection of rare and endangered aquatic species, particularly species such as crayfish, freshwater fish, and mussels.
We respect all fish predator species, and enjoy experiencing their presence. We strive towards solutions and resolutions in the conflict of human/ecosystem interaction.
Management policy is evaluated and adapted by means of scientific study.
Management results will be communicated through presentations, scientific papers, and interpersonal interaction.
The evolution of this association will be through collaboration with like minded fishery managers and fishermen. Cooperation with other organizations in order to share philosophy on fishery management is met with open arms.