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Möll - "Verein Bachforelle" - Stall im Mölltal

The bedrock over which the Kleiner Kamp flows differs from that of the Ybbs. The Kamp is located further to the north in Lower Austria which has crystalline rock from ancient mountains. This rock is igneous granite. The Kleine Kamp is located in the NW part of  Lower Austria called the Weinsberger Wald. It flows to the northeast until it reaches the village Rapottenstein where the Kleine Kamp empties into the Grosse Kamp, a tributary of the Danube. The Kleine Kamp is 24 kilometers long and descends 266 meters in that 24 km. It is located in the Natura 2000 Nature protection area called 'Waldviertler Teich-, Heide- und Moorlandschaft'.

Map Kleiner Kamp [ÖK 1:50.000, BEV | jpeg]

Revierkarte Möll FV Bachforelle Stall im Mölltal
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